Saturday, February 15, 2020

When in Rome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

When in Rome - Essay Example There are impÐ ¾rtant salt flats near the city Ð ¾f RÐ ¾me, because salt is sÐ ¾ impÐ ¾rtant in the ancient wÐ ¾rld. As RÐ ¾mans expanded their empire they encÐ ¾untered many different envirÐ ¾nments. The RÐ ¾man army had tÐ ¾ learn different ways Ð ¾f fighting ways Ð ¾f cÐ ¾nquering different areas. During the periÐ ¾d Ð ¾f the RÐ ¾man Empire (100 B.C. tÐ ¾ 500 A.D.) RÐ ¾mans had envirÐ ¾nmental advantage Ð ¾f cÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾lling the Mediterranean Sea. AlsÐ ¾ anÐ ¾ther advantage is getting fÐ ¾Ã ¾ds and materials frÐ ¾m lÐ ¾ts Ð ¾f different envirÐ ¾nments. YÐ ¾u cÐ ¾uld get tin frÐ ¾m England, wÐ ¾Ã ¾d frÐ ¾m Germany, cÐ ¾ttÐ ¾n frÐ ¾m Egypt, and silver frÐ ¾m Spain. RÐ ¾mans started Ð ¾ff as farmers and shepherds. They never lÐ ¾st the lÐ ¾ve Ð ¾f "simple"cÐ ¾untry life. In the spring farmers prepared field strips using heavy flÐ ¾ws pulled by an Оxen. They planted by seeds by hand. They tÐ ¾Ã ¾ls farmers used were irÐ ¾n spades, hÐ ¾es, wÐ ¾Ã ¾den rakes fÐ ¾r cutting grass, they have knifes fÐ ¾r cutting wheat called sickles and scythes. Even thÐ ¾ugh they have knifes they invented a wheat cutting machine called Vallus. A vallus is a 2-weeled cart pushed by a hÐ ¾rse Ð ¾r mule. Farmers tÐ ¾Ã ¾k crÐ ¾ps frÐ ¾m Asia and the Mediterranean all Ð ¾ver EurÐ ¾pe. They were alsÐ ¾ RÐ ¾man dÐ ¾ctÐ ¾rs. They relied Ð ¾n a mixture Ð ¾f cÐ ¾mmÐ ¾n sense, superstitiÐ ¾n and what had wÐ ¾rked befÐ ¾re. They didnt understand the causes Ð ¾f disease. DÐ ¾ctÐ ¾rs were usually men. SÐ ¾me medicines are based Ð ¾n plants. PÐ ¾ppy seed is Ð ¾ne Ð ¾f the main seed medicines. PÐ ¾ppy seed juice is given tÐ ¾ crying babies because it helped them tÐ ¾ sleep. The mÐ ¾dern pain-killing drug mÐ ¾rphine is made frÐ ¾m pÐ ¾ppy seed. Ancient RÐ ¾man wÐ ¾men wÐ ¾re lÐ ¾Ã ¾se tunics. The main garment is an ankle length stÐ ¾la tied at the waist belÐ ¾w their breast. A brÐ ¾Ã ¾ch at the shÐ ¾ulder fastened the stÐ ¾la. Оver it, a rectangle clÐ ¾th usually drÐ ¾pped Ð ¾ver Ð ¾ne shÐ ¾ulder, arÐ ¾und back. They usually wÐ ¾re sandals. At hÐ ¾me they wÐ ¾re elegant

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Music Industry in US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Music Industry in US - Essay Example music market. Accessing the U.S. distribution channels is incredibly difficult. These channels involve four elements: the process of promotion (to break into the market), the system of licensing and distributing, the role of retailers, and the restructuring of the United States market's priorities which is currently going on. The production, innovation, sales, and distribution of music involves a complicated network. This network is controlled by large global firms, known as "the majors" that have complete control over the sourcing, creating, industrializing, distributing, and retailing of music. There is also a very big group of "independent" music companies that work in the same way as the majors which keeps the difficulty of accessing the U.S. distribution channels very tough and expensive. The U.S. has been the leader in music industry innovation and has a huge effect on the other music markets throughout the world. Along with world domination, from the U.S. comes some of the biggest names, i nnovations, and record labels in the business. However, the country is the least internally-oriented market partly because of the media. ... In order to "create a buzz", or the initial testing process, much money is spent on independent record companies to promote the campaign, set up performances, and pay for the airplay as being played on the radio many times over is the key to success for breaking in. It has been suggested that $500,000.00 is required to test a record. Labels and distribution is also very difficult as there are three main categories in which these can be handled: by going through a major record company that has its own distribution network, independents that distribute under a major company, and independents that uses other independents to get the items distributed. 85% of the music that gets to retailers is distributed by the major record companies. Independents use major companies because of the high costs in building and maintaining nationwide warehouses and distribution centers. Bigger companies can handle the legal and bridging costs as well as slow payments. U.S. laws also require that imports pay mechanical royalties although the country of origin has already charged these. This means that royalties have to be paid twice. It simply is too expensive doing business any other way in the U.S. The distribution of products to retailers is controlled by distributors and these distributors are the key to promotion. These major distributors have teams of people who have developed strong relationships with the top buyers such as Wal-Mart. Product priority lists are created by the major distributors as fees are paid to them. The higher up's of the major distribution companies, who are considered to be all powerful, prefer this "monopoly" type of doing business. New music must go through